January 21, 2025

Your Library Card

How to Get a Library Card

Library cards are free to all Melvindale residents with a current Michigan driver’s license or state ID card. With a library card you may check out books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, chess sets, Wi-fi hotspots, and Chromebooks free of charge.

Children under 18 years of age will need to bring their PARENT or LEGAL GUARDIAN. The PARENT OR GUARDIAN must bring their current Michigan Driver’s license or state ID showing they reside in Melvindale. We cannot accept parents of their friends, neighbors, other relatives, etc. Signing up for a library card is a LEGAL document which must be completed by the PARENT or LEGAL GUARDIAN ONLY in which the adult assumes liability for items lost or damaged by the minor. 

Now Featuring: Auto-Renewal!

If there are no other holds placed on an item (if no other patrons are waiting for it), then books, CDs, DVDs and audiobooks will renew automatically two times. The items will renew for the same amount of time as their original checkout period; 3 weeks for books, 7 days for DVDs.

Auto-renewal does not apply to Chromebooks or wi-fi hotspots. It may not apply to other non-book items borrowed or requested from other libraries.  

You can check due dates and renewals in your account in the TLN Catalog

The Library Network (TLN)

The Melvindale Public Library is part of The Library Network, and co-operative of 74 other libraries. You can request items from any of the network libraries to be sent to your home library at no charge. 

Library card holders can search the catalog of all network libraries at the TLN catalog, online or in the app. You can also pay fines over $5 online, renew items, and view your account when logged in. Log in with your library card number and PIN. Call the library if you need to reset your PIN. 

The Library Network Catalog app is available free in the App Store or Google Play. Users can access their accounts, search the catalog, place holds, and pay fines. Search "TLN Catalog" in your app store.

Fines and Fees

Complete information on all fines and fees can see found in our Library Policies under Circulation, “Overdue Items“.

All listed fines are for Melvindale Library items. Items requested and borrowed from other libraries may have different fees.

Other Features

Your Melvindale Library card also allows you to access the Libby app, for e-books, audiobooks, and magazines, as well as Transparent Language Online, a language learning app featuring 110+ languages. 

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