February 10, 2025

Melvindale Public Library Policies

Mission Statement

We provide a welcoming place where all citizens of our community can experience growth through education, enrichment and technology using the materials and programs available and supported by the Melvindale Public Library. 


  1. Circulation Policy
  1. Code of Conduct
    • Rules of Behavior
      • Violations
    • Internet and Computers
      • Public Computer Use
      • Children’s Computer Use
      • Security
      • Services and Pricing
    • Study Room 
      • Primary Purpose
      • Standards of Use
  1. Collection Development Policy
    • Book Selection Policy
      • Goals
      • Responsibility
      • General Principles
      • Specific Principles of Selection
      • Textbooks
      • Maintenance of the Collection
    • Donations
      • What we accept
      • How we handle donated materials
      • Where to leave donations
    • Reconsideration of Library Materials
      • Request for Reconsideration Form

A library card is required for all transactions involving checkout of library materials. The library card is non-transferable. A library card can only be used by the person whose name is on the account. Library materials checked out are the sole responsibility of the patron whose card was used for checkout. 

Melvindale Residents

Library cards are free to all Melvindale residents with a current Michigan driver’s license or state ID card that shows the current address. 

If the license/ID is not updated, we will accept the driver’s license/ID in addition to a recent utility (within the past 2 months) or current tax bill that has the name and current address of the applicant. 

Children who are Melvindale Residents

Children under 18 years of age will need to have their PARENT or LEGAL GUARDIAN present to apply for a library card. The PARENT or GUARDIAN must bring their current Michigan Driver’s license or state ID showing they reside in Melvindale. We cannot accept the parents of their friends, neighbors, other relatives, etc. Signing up for a library card is a LEGAL document which must be completed by the PARENT or LEGAL GUARDIAN ONLY in which the adult assumes liability for items lost or damaged by the minor.

Temporary Card

A temporary (30-day) card will be issued with a valid Michigan driver’s license or State ID with a current address if the individual’s home library is a member of The Library Network (TLN). There are over 60 local cities (excluding Detroit) that belong to TLN. The patron will have to go to their home library (the community they reside/pay taxes in) to receive a permanent library card. Temporary Cards are not renewable.

Non-Resident Card

A Non-Resident Card will be issued to Educators and Students who are a part of the MELNAP School District.  Patrons must show a Michigan Driver’s license or state ID card as well as their school ID in order to obtain this card. 

Library Card Renewal

Melvindale Public Library cards will expire every 12 months.  Melvindale Public Library Cards must be renewed in person at the library. The patron will need to show their library card and current ID if they are over 18.  If they are under 18 the parent must be present to show their ID.  Library Staff will verify current information to ensure that everything is up to date and renew the library card for another 12 months. If the patron has a lost item on their account the library will not renew the card until the lost items are paid for or returned. Permanent library cards from other TLN network libraries can only be renewed temporarily for 30 days, and the patron must visit their home library to renew their card fully. 

There is no charge for the initial Library Card. Replacement library cards cost $1.00


All materials at Melvindale Public Library except reference materials may be checked out on any valid library card for the specified amount of time. All materials except DVD or Blu-Ray rentals are loaned free.  DVD and Blu-Ray rentals can be checked out for up to 3 days for $1.00 and are not available for renewals. 


Items Available for Circulation*





21 days


21 days


DVD Rentals

3 days



7 days


Music CDs

7 days



7 days


Vox Books

7 days



21 days


Board Games



Wifi Hotspots






*These are for Melvindale Public Library books only. Library books borrowed from other libraries are subject to the circulation rules from that library. 


Through the Libby app patrons may borrow E-books, E-audiobooks and digital magazines from their phone, tablet, or computer. All items can be checked out for 3 weeks unless they are in high demand. Digital items return automatically. There are no late fees and no automatic renewals.


A patron may request any item through the computer, the TLN Catalog app, or by telephone.  When an item is made available at the library, the automation system automatically sends out a notice. If the patron does not claim the reserved material within 7 days, the patron’s name is removed from the hold shelf and the next person on the hold list is notified. 


Items reserved through the MeLCat system MUST be picked up and returned at the patron’s home library.  Loan duration and renewals vary depending on the item within the MeLCat system.  The MeLCat system charges patrons $100 for lost or damaged items.

Overdue Items

Most items will automatically renew a maximum of 2 times as long as there is not a hold placed on the item. Some items do not renew as stated in the Items for Circulation chart above.  The patron may receive a text, email, or call regarding the item near the time it is due back to the library.  The patron is responsible for returning the items to the library when they are due. If an item is not returned, the patron will be charged a fine per day, up to a maximum for each item.  If a patron’s fines are $15 and over the patron will be blocked and unable to check out any additional items from the library. 


Late Fees and Fines*




Adult Items

0.20 ¢


Children’s & YA Items









Board Games



Mobile Hotspots







*These are for Melvindale Public Library books only. Library books borrowed from other libraries are subject to the fine schedule from that library. 


Lost Items

If an item has not been returned after 21 Days from the due date it will be marked as LOST and the patron will be charged the full purchase price of the item.  If the item is returned, the patron will only be charged the late fees and not the full purchase price. Anyone who has one lost item on their record will not be permitted to check out additional materials until that item is paid for or returned. Replacement items are accepted in some cases.  Replacements must be new and comparable to the item that was lost and the Librarian must approve the replacement. There are no returns of funds for lost books once paid. If a patron claims to have returned an item, acknowledgement of this will be made on the computer record, and the shelves will be searched by the library staff for these items. If the items cannot be found after searching they will be assumed lost and are the responsibility of the patron. 


Damaged Items

The Melvindale Public Library expects patrons to return the items in the same condition as when they were borrowed. Items that are returned damaged may incur charges at the librarian’s discretion. The condition of equipment such as Hotspots and Chromebooks will be verified at checkout and upon return by both library staff and patrons.  Any damaged or missing items will be the responsibility of the patron. If the patron is charged the full replacement cost of the item, the patron may keep the item once it is paid for.



Patrons have the option to pay off outstanding fines or lost book costs that are over $5.00 by using a credit card or debit card online. Patrons can sign in to the catalog either from the computer or through the TLN Catalog app by using their library card number and the pin. The Library accepts only cash payments in the building. Melvindale Public Library does not utilize a collection agency in order to recover fees and trusts that the community understands the importance of the library and will attempt to work with us in recovering items and fines. 

WiFi Hotspot Policy

The Melvindale Public Library has received funding from the CARES Act through the Institute of Museum and Library Services to purchase WIFI Hotspots for patrons to check out in order to gain WIFI access in their home.  The wireless fee for the first year was paid for through the CARES Act and for the 2nd year from the federal Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) for internet access. 

General Information

  • Patrons must be 18 years of age or older to borrow a WIFI Hotspot from the library. 
  • Patrons must have no fines or fees on their account. 
  • There is no fee to borrow a Hotspot, however, fees will be assessed if it is returned late.
  • Patrons must sign the WIFI Hotspot Lending agreement before checking out the WIFI Hotspot. 

Use Information

  • Hotspots are checked out for a period of 7 days
  • Hotspots can only be renewed 1 time
  • Hotspots must be returned inside the Melvindale Public Library and NOT in the dropbox or at another library.
  • Do NOT leave the hotspots in a vehicle or in extreme temperatures. 

Fines, Fees and Damages

  • There is a $5.00 per day overdue fine until returned
  • The replacement charge for a lost or damaged Hotspot is $90
  • The WIFI Hotspot will be deactivated if it is not returned within a week of the due date.

The Library Staff will verify the patron’s identity through either their library card or a State ID.  They will also make sure the Patron signs the agreement and that everything is included in the WIFI Hotspot Case.  

WiFi Hotspot Lending Agreement

The Melvindale Public Library has received funding from the federal Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) for internet access. Any ECF supported equipment and services can only be provided to patrons who declare they do not have access to the equipment or services sufficient to access the internet.

Patron: ____________________________________________

Library Card Number: ______________________________________

I understand and agree to these rules of use. By signing this agreement, I accept the above loan policy and am stating that I am responsible to return this equipment to Melvindale Public Library in good working condition and free from damage.  I understand that if the hotspot is not returned its wireless service will be discontinued.  The hotspot will be unusable. Hotspots are checked-out for a period of 7 days.  Overdue charges are $5.00 per day.  The replacement fee if the device is damaged or lost is $90.00.  I acknowledge that a WiFi Hotspot is NOT to be returned in the outside book drop, but must be returned inside the building at least one (1) hour before the Library closes. 

The equipment and services funded by the federal Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) can only be provided to patrons who declare they do not have access to the equipment or services sufficient to access the internet. By signing this statement, I declare I do not have access to such equipment or services.


 _______________________________________                 _________________

PATRON SIGNATURE                                                                  DATE

 Library Staff Only

___Checked Library card or Photo Identification.

___Reviewed policy, due date and fines assessed.

___Checked that device included hotspot, cord, instructions, and case.

Chromebook Policy

The Melvindale Public Library has received Chromebooks that are available for patrons to check out.  These Chromebooks were provided through the MI-83 Technology, Libraries and Communities (TLC) Project and funding was provided in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library of Michigan, an agency of the Michigan Department of Education. Project partners include the Michigan Library Cooperatives and the Michigan Library Association.

General Information

  • Patrons must be 18 years of age or older to borrow a Chromebook from the library.
  • Patrons must present a valid Melvindale Public Library card in their name at time of check out as well as a photo ID. A credit card number will be taken as security in case the device is not returned or is damaged.
  • Patrons must have no fines or fees on their account. 
  • Only one laptop may be checked out per patron.
  • There is no fee to borrow a Chromebook, however, fees will be assessed if it is returned late.
  • Chromebook kit contains: Samsung 15.6” Chromebook, Charging Cable, Wired Mouse, Zipper Case, and Quick Start Instructions.
  • Patrons must sign the Chromebook Lending Agreement before checking out the Chromebook.

Use Information

  • Chromebooks may be checked out for 7 days with no renewals.
  • Chromebooks must be returned inside the Melvindale Public Library and NOT in the drop box or at another library.
  • The Chromebook should be kept in a temperature-controlled environment; DO NOT leave it in your car. 
  • The Chromebooks are filtered to comply with the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
  • Patrons must abide by all local, state, and federal laws in regards to computer usage and access.  This includes, but is not limited to fraud, infringement of copyright, libel, harassment, slander, hacking and/or spamming.
  • IMPORTANT – Files cannot be permanently saved to Chromebooks.   All files are erased when the user logs off.  Borrowers are responsible for saving files in an alternate way (i.e. cloud storage or USB drive).

Fines, Fees and Damages

  • A $25 fine will be assessed for Chromebooks placed in the drop box.
  • The overdue fine is $10.00 a day until returned
  • The replacement charge for a lost or damaged Chromebook is $300.00
  • Overdue Chromebooks will be deactivated within 24 hours after due date unless arrangements are made with the library
  • Patron is responsible for all of the accessories that come with the Chromebook. All Items must be accounted for upon return. Fines will be assessed if any item is missing or damaged. Replacement Costs are as follows:
    • Case $50.00
    • Charging Cable $50.00
    • Mouse $10.00
  • Chromebooks will not be checked in if missing any accessory items and will continue to accrue overdue fees until all items are returned. 

Limited technical support is available through the library staff. Borrowers must have familiarity with using computers and the software on the Chromebooks. 

The Library Staff will verify the patron’s identity through both their library card and State ID.  They will also make sure the Patron signs the agreement and that everything is included in the Chromebook kit.  

Chromebook Lending Agreement

The Melvindale Public Library has received Chromebooks that are available for patrons to check out.  These Chromebooks were provided through the MI-83 Technology, Libraries and Communities (TLC) Project and funding was provided in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library of Michigan, an agency of the Michigan Department of Education. Project partners include the Michigan Library Cooperatives and the Michigan Library Association.

Chromebook Kit contains:

  • Samsung 15.6” Chromebook
  • Charging Cable
  • Zippered Case
  • Wired Mouse
  • Instruction Sheet

By signing this agreement, I accept the Melvindale Public Library Chromebook Policy and am stating that I am responsible to return this equipment to Melvindale Public Library in good working condition and free from damage.  I understand that if the Chromebook is not returned it will be deactivated.  The Chromebook will be unusable. Chromebooks are checked-out for a period of 7 days.  Overdue charges are $10.00 per day.  The replacement fee if the device is damaged or lost is $300.00.  I acknowledge that a Chromebook is NOT to be returned in the outside book drop, but must be returned inside the building at least one (1) hour before the Library closes.  

I have read this document and my signature indicates I understand and agree with the above statements. 

I agree that the Chromebook is in working order upon checkout. 

I agree staff went over replacement costs for the specific checkout items.

_______________________________________ ________________



PATRON NAME (PRINT): _________________________________________

LIBRARY CARD NUMBER: _________________________________________

DEVICE # __________________    STAFF INITIALS: _________________ DATE: ______________

Chromebook Replacement Charges:

If the Chromebook or charging cable or missing when returned, your credit card will be charged the total replacement cost of $300.00.  Your credit card will not be charged for late fines and fees.

Name on Card: ________________________________________________________

Expiration Date of Card (MM/YY): _________________________________________

Card Type (Visa, Master Card, Discover, etc.): ________________________________

CVV/CVN (4 digits) _____________________________________________________




The Melvindale Public Library is a community space where all should feel welcome and safe. In order to create an atmosphere of courtesy, respect and excellent service, all patrons must abide by the following expectations. Patrons who do not follow these may be banned from the library premises with suspension of library privileges. 

  • Obey all laws, local ordinances and library policies.
  • Respect other patrons and employees. Do not annoy or harass other people, engage in loud or disruptive conduct, or cause a disturbance. 
  • Offensive, injurious, or threatening language, behavior, or gestures will not be tolerated. 
  • Cell phone ringers are to be muted or on vibrate while in the Library. Phone conversations must be taken outside of the building. 
  • Proper attire, including but not limited to shirt and shoes is required.
  • No skateboards, bicycles, skates, or rollerblades are permitted inside the building.
  • Offensive odor, including, but not limited to odor due to poor personal hygiene or overpowering perfume or cologne, that causes a nuisance is not allowed. 
  • The Library property is smoke-free and drug-free. This includes E-cigarettes.
  • No food allowed anywhere in the library; except during library-approved events.
  • No beverages allowed near the computers. Beverages are allowed in the study rooms and at the tables and must be in a closed container. No fast food or disposable cups allowed. 
  • Pets are not allowed in the library. Service animals that are aiding the disabled or involved in a library program are permitted. 
  • Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 
  • Parents and/or Guardians alone have the responsibility to monitor, guide, or restrict their child’s reading or library use. 
  • Adults who bring children or persons who need supervision because of physical or mental conditions to the library are required to supervise them for their safety and to prevent them from disturbing other library patrons. 
  • Do not leave personal items unattended. Library staff are not responsible for personal items being stolen or damaged.
  • Solicitations inside the library are not allowed for any reason. 
  • Those seeking signatures on petitions may only position themselves on the park side of the parking lot entrance and may not behave in a manner that disrupts the quiet of the Library, restricts free access to the building, or may be perceived as aggressive or intimidating. 


Patrons who fail to follow these rules of behavior will be asked to comply with the library policy.  If the behavior persists or escalates the patron will be asked to leave the building and will be banned from the premises for a specified date.  If library staff or other patrons feel threatened or physical damage to the library occurs the police will be called and the patron will be permanently barred from the library premises. Patrons can appeal for reinstatement through the Library Commission.  Decisions made by the Library Commission are final. 

Internet and Computers

Melvindale Public Library has public computers available as well as free wireless internet access to all patrons inside the building.  Patrons must check in at the desk and show either their ID or library card in order to use the public computers. Patrons do not need a library card in order to use the computers. Library staff will look to see if they have a library card and that their account is in good standing.   If there are lost books on the account the patron will need to return or pay for the items in order to use the computer. If the fines are over $15 the patron will need to pay enough to have their account in good standing. 

Public Computer Use

  • No food or beverage permitted at the computers at any time.
  • Patrons under the age of 18 must use the computers on the Children’s side or have a parent/guardian with them.
  • Use of the computers must follow local, state and federal laws. 
  • Headphones MUST be used for audio.  You may use your own or purchase a non-returnable pair from the desk.
  • The library is a public space. Viewing obscene or illegal disruptive materials is prohibited and will result in loss of internet/library privileges
  • Installing/changing settings or unplugging library cables/power cords from the computers is not permitted. 
  • You may plug in your own USB device or purchase one at the desk. 
  • Computer use is limited to 1 hour when there is a high demand and could be restricted to 30 minutes. 
  • Respect the privacy of all computer users. Do not take pictures near the computer area.
  • Limit 1 user per computer due to limited space. 
  • Public Computers will shut down automatically 15 minutes before closing.

Children’s Computer Use

  • Patrons who are 17 year of age or younger must use the computers located in the Children’s section.
  • As required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Library will provide “technology protection measures” on the public computers in the Children’s section to screen out sites which may reasonably be construed as obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors as defined in the Children’s Internet Protection Act. 
  • Parents or legal guardians must assume responsibility for monitoring their children’s use of computers and the Internet. The Library assumes no responsibility and shall have no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential damages arising from the use of information found on the Internet. 
  • Children must maintain their voice levels especially when playing video games on computers. 
  • Limit 1 user per computer. Study groups working together at the computer must obtain permission from the library staff. 
  • Computers will automatically shut down 15 minutes prior to closing. 


    • Non-library files on the computer hard drive, the contents of the temporary folders and the cache, as well as the location bar on the Internet browsers, will be deleted daily or upon request of the patron.
    • Wireless service is available inside the library. The library is not responsible for the security of items using the wireless network or transmissions on the system.  Patrons are able to use the service at their own risk. 
  • Patrons must abide by all local, state, and federal laws in regards to computer usage and access.  This includes, but is not limited to fraud, infringement of copyright, libel, harassment, slander, hacking and/or spamming. 
  • Library users access the Internet at their own discretion. This refers to security as well as accuracy and content.

The Library staff will assist patrons with the Internet and public computers as time and knowledge permits. Library staff will not assist patrons in setting up social media accounts or dating profiles.

Services and Pricing

Melvindale Public Library offers many services and amenities to serve our patrons as best we can.  Library Staff are able to assist patrons within a reasonable timeframe depending on availability. We are CASH ONLY and do not accept any other form of payment. We do not accept credit/debit cards, checks or large bills.  When printing items from the computer or from their phone the patron is responsible for all pages that are printed, including mistakes.  If a patron needs assistance printing the library staff is available. 

Printing, Copying & Services Per Page/Per side

Black & White: 10¢ 

Color: 50¢

Scanning: 25¢

Faxing (no international): $1.00

 Items for Purchase*

Earbuds: $3.00

Over Ear Headphones: $5.00

16GB Flash Drive: $4.00

Envelopes: 25¢

Manila Folders: 25¢

Stamps (Current Price): 63¢

*Prices subject to change depending on manufacturer pricing

Study Room

Primary Purpose

  1. To afford study space for library patrons
  2. To provide a reserve area for the library’s collection of books and periodicals
  3. To offer a space for the ongoing Library Book Sale
  4. To further the educational purposes of the library

Occasional exceptions may be made for small meetings which are of particular educational, civic, cultural, or governmental significance. An exception may be made for a group which has a library sponsored program or which is related to library activities. 

Standards of Use in the Study Room

  • No food allowed in the Study room at any time; except during library approved events.
  • Beverages must be in a closed container. No fast food or disposable cups.
  • Headphones MUST be used for audio.  You may use your own or purchase a non-returnable pair from the desk.
  • Do not put feet on the chairs or tables at any time. 
  • Respect other patrons using the area and keep discussions and voice levels to a minimum. 
  • When an event is planned in the study room patrons utilizing the room will be expected to move to another area of the library during that time. 

The Librarian of the Melvindale Public Library shall administer the use of the study room in accordance with the above policies. 


The Mission Statement of the Melvindale Public Library guides the selection of media, allocation of resources, services and weeding.  The Melvindale Public Library supports the individual’s right to have access to ideas and information representing all points of view.  The Library Commission has adopted the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and The Freedom to Read statement, attached at the end of this policy.  



  • To maintain a well-balanced and broad collection of materials for information, reference and research.
  • To support the democratic process by providing materials for the education and enlightenment of the community.
  • To provide recreational resources.


  • The responsibility for book selection lies with the librarians.
  • The librarian will delegate to staff members authority to interpret and apply the policy.
  • The general public may recommend material for consideration.

General Principles

  • Selection is based on the merits of a work in relation to the needs, interests, and demands of the Melvindale community.  Basic to this policy is the Library Bill of Rights, as adopted by the American Library Association.
  • Responsibility for the use of the library materials by children and young adults rests with their parents or legal guardians.
  • The library collection should not be inhibited by the possibility that books may inadvertently come into the possession of children.
  • Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents, and no book or other item is sequestered, except for the purpose of protecting it from injury or theft.
  • It is the responsibility of the library to provide circulating and reference material for the general public and the student based on the services it is expected to perform. Special “in-depth” collections shall also be maintained when indicated by community interest

Specific Principles of Selection

  • Current usefulness or permanent value
  • Accuracy
  • Authority of Author
  • Relation to existing collection
  • Scarcity of information in subject area
  • Price, format, and ease of use
  • Availability of material through interlibrary loan
  • Popular demand – the library will make materials available which are in high demand by the public even if they are not enduring in value, interest, or accuracy


Textbooks are not ordinarily purchased by the library, except in subject areas where material in another form is not conveniently available.

Maintenance of the Collection

The collection shall be periodically examined for the purpose of eliminating obsolete or unneeded material, and for binding or repair of materials, in order to maintain a balanced, attractive, and useful book collection. 


What we accept

We appreciate donated books that are in good, usable condition. Preferably those published within the past ten years, but exceptions are made. 

What we do not accept

  • Old newspapers
  • Encyclopedias
  • Reader’s Digest Condensed versions
  • School/College textbooks of any kind
  • Anything that is bug ridden, oily, smelly, or moldy

If you need a tax receipt, just ask at the front desk when dropping off your items.

What we do with Donated items

If the book is in excellent condition we will sometimes add it to the collection. If we already have a copy in good condition or if it is an older title we will add it to our book sale in the back of the library. Funds from the book sale will be used to purchase new books to add to our collection.

Where do you bring Donations 

Donations are only taken inside the library.  Do not leave books outside of the library or put them in the dropbox.  When books are left outside of the library they will inevitably be damaged by the elements. Damaged books will be thrown away. Please call before dropping off donations to make sure that the Library currently has space and the ability to take the materials.

Reconsideration of Materials

Any Melvindale Public Library patron may formally challenge resources used in the Library. This procedure is for the purpose of considering the opinions of those persons in the community who are not directly involved in the selection process. No challenged material may be removed solely because it presents ideas that may be unpopular or offensive to some.  Basic to this is The Freedom to Read policy adopted by the American Library Association.

  • The library will keep on hand and make available Request for Reconsideration forms. All formal objections to resources must be made on these forms.
  • The Library Board will review the challenged material to determine whether it falls within the selection parameters. A majority vote of the Board will suffice. 
  • The Library Board decision is final.

This policy may be revised as time and circumstances require.

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